Please forgive the spelling errors, for some reason my spell check isnt wroking. Sorry Mom.
I have realized that i have been seriously lacking in my posts. Fortunatly i havent been taken from james link list quite yet, so i figure now is a good time to get some news out there. Things have been kinda the same around here, just cranked up to 11. I am working 60+ hours a week, which is good at the end of the week when i get my paycheck, but lately the "end of the week" really doesnt exist. For the first time in a long time i worked on a sunday. Uhhhhh, not on a sunday! Yes, it was my own decision, i really needed to get some things done before an inspection, and sunday after church was the only time i could get er done. Kendra is working like crazy as well. They just had their founders day yearly celebration and K was getting as much done out there as she could. She just recently had a review at her job and they relized how awesome she is and made her the "head" or "lead" at the welcome center. It will translate into a nice bonus at the end of the year, and also a pay raise. She is great at whatever she does, she has an awsome work ethic, rarely if ever takes a day off, she is always haveing to cut out early because she has so much "gone fishing" time stacked up. I am so proud of her and all that she has accomplished. Her hip hop class in Verrado with the kids is going good, she had a performance at the Founders Day Main Sqeeze varatiy show, and the kids did great. you should have seen K in the front row, coaching her kids in the moves. Speaking of Founders Day, the band Train (drops of jupiter, meet verginia) played at the event, I had good seats from my Main Squeeze booth. Josh and I were serving all sorts of colada smoothies and having a great time haming it up for the smoothie patrons. Church is cranked up as well. K and I have our respective groups on wednesday and thursday, then everyother tuesday one of us has a meeting. We are finding it hard to find time for eachother between work and church, but we will find a balance and catch up to this season in our life.
Oh here is a story for you. The other week K calls me at work and says hey do you want to go to a soccer game tonight. Heck yes I do. It was haloween night and after we helped out at the Harvest part for church we went to the new Cardnals stadium to take in the futbol game. Now when K called me she said "do you want to got to a club usa v. chivas de gudalajara soccer game. Club USA, nice I was thinking I was going to get a preview of some up and coming american soccer players poised to make the national team. We were going to be in box seats, and for my first time at the new stadium that wasnt such a bad deal. We get the and i noticed that everyone around us had their respective teams jersies on, none of which said USA on them anywhere. I also noticed the anouncments about parking, what you can take into the arena, and saftey were all in spanish. No I know Chivas is a team from Mexico, but hey, where is the American representation here! Well as we met up with Liz (the ticket holder) she informed me that it was a Chivas v. Club America game, which in Mexico is a gynormos rivalry. Club America has the word America but all other american ties ends there. So now it all made since, the jersies, the painted faces, and the mexican wrestling masks, we were in for a treat. This was my first real live "international" soccer game, and I told K as we were going in that she was in for some fun. I told her that all the soccer games she had seen in the past will pale in comparison to what we were about to witness. 60 drunk USA fans cramed into a small pub off state street has nothing on a stadium filled with pasionate futbol fans. As we were walking in we had just missed the first goal, but you could feel it. The sound was intense, and it didn't stop from there. On our way to our box we were side tracked by Liz's hook up there at the stadium and she told us it was "dead" over in our box and to follow her to another box. We made our way around and entered another box with about 10 people, eating and drinking, enjoying the game. I shook the hand of the man of the house and took my seat. The stadium is amazing, with the retractible roof open and the mild fall air, the sound of the horns and the sea of red and yellow jersies, nice. I learned that the field that the players were on actually retracts outside to reviel a concreet pad undernieth to acomidate concerts and other events that dont require a field. I learned all these things about the staduim from the CEO and Presadent of Cardnals stadium, we had been escorted to the owners box. Now if thats not the sweetest way to watch a game. He insisted we eat and have a beer, one of the nicest multy millonares i have ever met.
Well family and friends, i am not going to offer another empty promise of weekly posts, but i will do my best to get info out a whole lot faster. Oh and by the way, there are some new Name that House pics on my flicker site and I expect to see some comments on them asap. Listen to me, asking to hear comments when i take weeks to post, so selfish. Love you all
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
A bit like my Dad
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Another New Toy
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Another Photo Update
Take a look at the photo link to the right to see pictures from the wedding and our trip to Santa Barbara. Thanks for looking!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Oregon 1
The first day got off to a great start. My dad and i got up at 5am and met Doug and Jamie down at the launch to get out on the river and start slaying the fish. We pulled up to the river, (I can not give up the fishing holes), Doug set all the poles and we waited. The boat on the inside of us caught a fish and after they got theirs in the boat, and Doug was starting to poke some fun because of the color and size, one of the poles in our boat started going off, quickly we all came to attention, Bing Jamie, and myself all grabbed the poles that didn't have fish so we could get them out of the water and out of the way. Doug set the hook on the fish and handed the pole over to me, my first fish of the season, nice. It gave a nice fight, made a few runs after getting to the boat, but after maybe 10 min tops, I had it in line for Doug's net and got it in the boat. I was just happy to get one on after hearing that the season was going a bit slow before I had arrived, I take no credit for the amount of fish caught that day, but it was a good day after weeks of not so good. We didn't get any bites after that so decided to call it a day, when we got back to the launch there was a biologist there and he took the stats of the fish. 42inches and 37 pounds, longest one he had seen all season.
After fishing I went to hang out with my cousins Chantelle and Crystal down by the river, much like we did as kids. After sitting in the camper for a while and taking turns asking when we were going fishing, Luke (Chantelles boyfriend) and myself went down one of the inlets and tried our hand at trout fishing. I was using worms and I caught 1 sucker, and 1 perch. Luke on the other hand was fly fishing, and he didn't catch anything, but watching him was like watching A River Runs Through It all over again. Fly fishing brings a peace and poetry to fishing that I had never thought of. But i still caught more then Luke! After fishing again i went back to Mom and Dads, hung out, went for a walk, and visited with some of their friends.
So after day one, I had a great time fishing, thanks to my guide the River Raider and his sweet new boat. i got back to my roots pulling suckers out of the creeks and passing time. But the best part was getting to just sit. Sit with cousins, aunts ,uncles ,parents, and friends, and watch the river flow by, just like it did when I was a kid.
I will add pics to go with the stories tomorrow, please stay tuned.
After fishing I went to hang out with my cousins Chantelle and Crystal down by the river, much like we did as kids. After sitting in the camper for a while and taking turns asking when we were going fishing, Luke (Chantelles boyfriend) and myself went down one of the inlets and tried our hand at trout fishing. I was using worms and I caught 1 sucker, and 1 perch. Luke on the other hand was fly fishing, and he didn't catch anything, but watching him was like watching A River Runs Through It all over again. Fly fishing brings a peace and poetry to fishing that I had never thought of. But i still caught more then Luke! After fishing again i went back to Mom and Dads, hung out, went for a walk, and visited with some of their friends.
So after day one, I had a great time fishing, thanks to my guide the River Raider and his sweet new boat. i got back to my roots pulling suckers out of the creeks and passing time. But the best part was getting to just sit. Sit with cousins, aunts ,uncles ,parents, and friends, and watch the river flow by, just like it did when I was a kid.
I will add pics to go with the stories tomorrow, please stay tuned.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Breath of Fresh Air
Last weekend Kendra, Tim, and Shauntelle, and I went to the Tim and Faith Soul2Soul tour. It was a great concert, not only are both Tim and Faith easy on the eyes, they both sounded great live. They started out with their smash duet "Like we never loved at all". Then Faith took the stage for an hour, singing her hits from years past to her new song Sunshine and Summertime. Then Tim came out and rocked the place a bit more. After he was on stage for an hour Faith came back out and they did some more duets. Mostly stuff I hadn't heard before, but i was really cool seeing them interact together on such a grand stage. Knowing that they are married and able to go on tour together and produce such an awesome sound, i cant imagine how that feels for the both of them. They ended the night with yet another duet i hadn't heard before, the were sitting on two chairs in the middle of the stage facing one another, one mic between them, they took turns singing. It was a very intimate song, and could have been seen as a bit awkward to watch, but you could really feel the love they had for each other, and their music as well. It was really a breath of fresh air, I have been put off by music recently on TV because you see all of these teen icon sorts, lip syncing their songs, paying more attention to the latest dance moves then to doing what got them to that point and singing. Music now days is more about the right image and less and less about actually being able to sing. Reminds me a lot of Milli Vanilli, but now it just seems to be the norm. As U2's Bono put it when on stage at SNL after the "Ashley Vanilli" episode, LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE!!!!! If you aren't going to sing, then don't put on a silly headset mic and pretend you are, just be a backup dancer to someone who really can sing. Thank you Tim and Faith for restoring my Hope in some of the music of today.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The Dodger have won 11!!
And the Raiders won their first preseason game. All is right with the world.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Okay the first pic is my left arm, I had an I.V. at the hospital. A cocktail of antibiotics, steroids, and pepcid. Tour de France here I come. The right arm is the infected one, the redness is celulitis, the swelling had progressed passed my elbow, and the infection was making it's way down, and for that matter up my arm. I still don't know what bit me but it did a good job. I never got a fever or sharp pains. They sent me home with pills for infections, some more steroids, and some pepcid (benadryl). The swelling has gone down almost all the way, still some redness but the steroids and antis should take care of that.
So lets recap the injury's I have had. Surfing cut my leg, got bit on the knee by a spyder, got bit on the arm by?, blew out the tip of my finger playing softball, broken nose (2), carrot, if you can think of any others, feel free to let everyone know. Thank you all for your concern, I hope this makes you laugh, I know JR did. Love you all. Oh and by the way, after she put the needle in for the IV i lost all color in my face and my wife and the nurse were snickering at me. First guy with a mohawk to pass out from an IV!!! good times
Friday, July 07, 2006
Hello all, I hope all is well with the lot of ya. I have come up with a new game for all of us, to bring back some fond, or humorous memories. If you click on the "More Photos" link you will then see two photo albums. One contains pictures of homes we all lived in in Santa Barbara, the other contains pics of basketball courts we played on at one time or another. Here is the thing, I want you to first tell us all who lived in the house, then share a funny, fond, or moving story about a time you spent in the house. With name that court alls you have to do is tell me the place, street or school that the court is on/in. Got it? I am excited to hear what you all have to say, and new houses and courts will be posted at random so keep checking back. Thanks to all of you and we love you guts.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
This past week K and I were in Indianapolis at JR and Kates house. We had the most amazing time getting to know Finn, my nephew. He is a perfect little boy, crys when he is hungry and when he needs some changing, which I didn't have to do while I was there, but just hangs out the rest of the time. It is an amazing feeling to hold a child, a baby, but I never knew how it felt to hold one so close to me. Finn and I had a chance to bond quite a bit, and now I miss him madly. While I was there I got a chance to do some work around their house, I added some power out to their garage and a phone in the office. JR, my father, and I spent a few days remodeling the back porch, we took out the walls and made it more into a deck for summer sitting and fire-fly watching. It was fun working with the both of them.
I was excited to see my brother in his new life. The house was awesome, much bigger than the pictures lead to believe. The attic project will make the living space 2x bigger and will add room to grow for their family. Kate has done a great job of making the house a reflection of the both of them. I got to watch the first US soccer game at a cool bar in the down town area of Fountain Square with JR, and the experience was not overshadowed by the loss. As we toured the areas important to Kate and JR I began to realize why they were there. I know that JR made the move east for Kate and partly for himself, but I was worried for him. I know that having a friend in your spouse can bring you through a lot of things, but having community is extremely important. I had my wife with me in San Diego, but outside of the family we had there, we had no friends, and we didn't survive there. JR and Kate have some amazing friends there, the most important thing I brought back with me. I now know that they will be fine, with the community, and that means the most to me.
My parents came a few days into the trip and seeing them with Finn was awesome. Their first grandchild, and their two sons with their beautiful wives. I know that they are proud of both of us. I couldn't picture a life like this when we lived in Solvang, but I know God could, and I know that its through Him that we are all in the places we are now. We spent a day at Kates parents house up at the lake. We took the pontoon boat out for a spin, docked at a restaurant and ate while the sun went down. I made a fireworks purchase earlier in the day and I couldn't wait to set them off. As soon as we got back to the house I brought them down and my bro and I set up at both ends of the U shaped dock and fired away, not five minutes into it though, God decided to laugh at us. First it was some distant lightning and thunder, but that quickly led into wind that knocked our sparklers over, and then some thick heavy rain that basically put them out and sent us running up the stairs to the cover of the house. During our stay there I had the pleasure of getting my pride handed to me yet again by my father, and brother, and Tom (father in law). We had a round of golf, keep in mind I play more than all of them, I live in golf Mecca. My father won, he plays once a year at the most, then Tom then JR, I stopped keeping score for myself at hole 11. My first shot was the best of the day, a drive smack down the middle of the fairway. I was the only one on that hole to be playing the proper fairway, all three of them were deciding to take a short route and cut across the 17th hole. All down hill from there but when it counted I outdrove my bro. Stickin it to him when I can. Then a few days later we played frolf (Frisbee golf), again I was doing good with the drive but my short game sucks tar off boat bottoms. And I stepped on a bee. Whatever.
I had a wonderful time getting to know Kate JR and Finn in their life in Indy. It was an honor to be with my family and to welcome the next generation of the Rohl clan into the world. I am happy for my brother and Kate. I am happy for my parents, proud grandparents. And I am better for making the trip and meeting the people of Fountain Square who have taken my brother in and befriended him. Thank you guys for everything.
I was excited to see my brother in his new life. The house was awesome, much bigger than the pictures lead to believe. The attic project will make the living space 2x bigger and will add room to grow for their family. Kate has done a great job of making the house a reflection of the both of them. I got to watch the first US soccer game at a cool bar in the down town area of Fountain Square with JR, and the experience was not overshadowed by the loss. As we toured the areas important to Kate and JR I began to realize why they were there. I know that JR made the move east for Kate and partly for himself, but I was worried for him. I know that having a friend in your spouse can bring you through a lot of things, but having community is extremely important. I had my wife with me in San Diego, but outside of the family we had there, we had no friends, and we didn't survive there. JR and Kate have some amazing friends there, the most important thing I brought back with me. I now know that they will be fine, with the community, and that means the most to me.
My parents came a few days into the trip and seeing them with Finn was awesome. Their first grandchild, and their two sons with their beautiful wives. I know that they are proud of both of us. I couldn't picture a life like this when we lived in Solvang, but I know God could, and I know that its through Him that we are all in the places we are now. We spent a day at Kates parents house up at the lake. We took the pontoon boat out for a spin, docked at a restaurant and ate while the sun went down. I made a fireworks purchase earlier in the day and I couldn't wait to set them off. As soon as we got back to the house I brought them down and my bro and I set up at both ends of the U shaped dock and fired away, not five minutes into it though, God decided to laugh at us. First it was some distant lightning and thunder, but that quickly led into wind that knocked our sparklers over, and then some thick heavy rain that basically put them out and sent us running up the stairs to the cover of the house. During our stay there I had the pleasure of getting my pride handed to me yet again by my father, and brother, and Tom (father in law). We had a round of golf, keep in mind I play more than all of them, I live in golf Mecca. My father won, he plays once a year at the most, then Tom then JR, I stopped keeping score for myself at hole 11. My first shot was the best of the day, a drive smack down the middle of the fairway. I was the only one on that hole to be playing the proper fairway, all three of them were deciding to take a short route and cut across the 17th hole. All down hill from there but when it counted I outdrove my bro. Stickin it to him when I can. Then a few days later we played frolf (Frisbee golf), again I was doing good with the drive but my short game sucks tar off boat bottoms. And I stepped on a bee. Whatever.
I had a wonderful time getting to know Kate JR and Finn in their life in Indy. It was an honor to be with my family and to welcome the next generation of the Rohl clan into the world. I am happy for my brother and Kate. I am happy for my parents, proud grandparents. And I am better for making the trip and meeting the people of Fountain Square who have taken my brother in and befriended him. Thank you guys for everything.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
New Link
Hey guys check out the new link to your right labled more photos, it takes you to another place i have photos loaded.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Kendra and I took a weekend trip two hours north to Sedona two weeks ago. I needed to recharge after working an unGodly amount, plus we just needed to get away from it all and be together. We booked a room in the Super 8, if you know our honeymoon story you know how we feel about motels. The drive up was nice, watching the landscape go from desert, to hills, cactus as far as the eye could see, and then there we were, red rock everywhere. I can only imagine what the grand canyon must look like, driving into the valley where Sedona is Kendra made the comment, "people who have never been to the Grand Canyon must think this is it." It is a small mini Grand Canyon, the cliffs and trees, red rock and water had a calm that was very inviting. As soon as we got there I saw a neon green sign on the side of the road, something something sale hand written on it, so I wiped around and we went to our first yard sale in Sedona. Kendra and I used to do it all the time in SB but haven't had much opportunity in Goodyear, and figured we would start our relaxing trip doing relaxing things. We also soon found out that the prices in SB are very near the prices in Sedona as far as yard sales go. Moving on we found this cool shopping area tucked away down by the creek side, it had lots of fancy shops and high priced art but the buildings and landscape made for some great pictures and hand holding. Check in wasn't for a few more hours so we stopped and asked a few questions about local hikes, you can do anywhere from short mile hikes to overnight stays. We found one we wanted to do, paid our 5 dollar fee and started up a dirt road to the trail head. On our way we stopped a man driving a pink jeep and asked if our altima would make it on the dirt road, "is it a rental?" I told him no and he said I would have to take it slow. It was about five miles to the first trail head we saw and we decided to stop and get out. The one we were hoping to get to was another 10 miles down the road, and at a bumpy dusty crawl of 10 mph we opted out of the hour long drive. The hike was a "moderate" two mile round tripper. It was great to get out, I have done a few hikes in the White Tank mounts in Verado, and was up for the challenge. Half way up you have to sign and date a book so if you get lost they know when you were there. I learned that I need to take more water on hikes with me, and that Kendra can hike with the best of them. We almost missed the whole point of the hike, Devils bridge is what its called, and as we neared the top there is a fork in the path, we took the one to the right which takes you up a steep incline, and onto a plateau overlooking the valley below. (see pic of me and K below)After spending a few min catching our breath and enjoying the view we started to head back down the trail. I thought to myself, why would they call it Devils Bridge if there wasn't anything resembling a bridge anywhere around. Then as we reached that same fork I thought, hmmmm lets just take a look around this corner, (and it really was just right around the corner), Devils Bridge. Nice, we almost missed the whole purpose of the DB hike by taking the high road, since when did the high road become the wrong road?
After getting back into the car and making the dusty ride back to town we checked into out hotel room, changed and hit the pool. There we were, just the two of us, I took a quick dip and then laid down with my feet in the water. I woke up an hour later and smiled, garage sale-hand holding-hiking-quick dip-sleep and sun, I was happy. We cleaned up and searched for somewhere to eat, that somewhere was back at the shopping area described before, some good food, conversation, I lost my sunglasses, and then back to bed so we could rest up for the adventure that was to come.
The next day we got up early and asked the front desk where would be a good place to go. Jerome she said. Jerome is an old mining town set on a hill side above the Sedona valley. Complete with mine shafts, a bit of a ghost town, and a ton of history. We spent most of the day walking the hilly streets enjoying the day and sights. Buildings half decrepit make great pictures. Some of the more historic buildings have placards out front telling of their past, old hotels twice burned down, two story building facades were all that remained. A building for women of "ill repute" was a block off the main street, with "husbands alley" leading down to it. Some of them had been purchased and refurbished, like the old theater that once played silent movies. It reminded me of the theater in Claskanie that my mom dreams of reawakening and what that might look like. The hotel that burned down was a two story hole in the ground with an ornate fence in the front. The new owner was taking up collections for the rebuilding of it and had trash cans and buckets set on the basement floor so passers buy could test their aim and help rebuild history a penny at a time. As I was reading the history on it an old man and his wife were trying their hand at tossing change into the outhouse toilet, the man threw his coin, it bounced off the fence and right down his wife's shirt, the look on her face as he reached to retrieve it, right there on the street, was priceless. After a sufficient amount of walking we made our way back to the car and were heading out when a sign that read, Ghost Town --->, caught our eye. We headed up the road to the old mining shaft now turned gift shop and paid our two dollars to tour the grounds. (see pics below)
It takes moments like this to recharge and reconnect. Kendra and I are doing great, both very busy in our respective jobs. Kendra is showing the DMB (Verado) head hanchos she works for, how lucky they are to have her. They needed a way to attract people to the welcome center where she works after the model homes have been moved out of the down town area because phase two is starting soon. She purposed that they get a trolley and give tours of the area, homes and future resort location that ended at the welcome center, they ate it up and she has written the script for it and will be giving the tours starting next Saturday. She has also heard from a few mothers of small children around Verado that want their kids to be in dance classes but there just isn't anyone giving them. Hello! Kendra placed an add on the community web page and has received several responses already. Can you imagine, Kendra teaching dance to children? I am so proud of her for how she has stepped out in the last year, she is so smart and talented, and it's amazing to see how God is using her where she is at.
Scroll down to view some of the pics from the weekend. Love you all.
After getting back into the car and making the dusty ride back to town we checked into out hotel room, changed and hit the pool. There we were, just the two of us, I took a quick dip and then laid down with my feet in the water. I woke up an hour later and smiled, garage sale-hand holding-hiking-quick dip-sleep and sun, I was happy. We cleaned up and searched for somewhere to eat, that somewhere was back at the shopping area described before, some good food, conversation, I lost my sunglasses, and then back to bed so we could rest up for the adventure that was to come.
The next day we got up early and asked the front desk where would be a good place to go. Jerome she said. Jerome is an old mining town set on a hill side above the Sedona valley. Complete with mine shafts, a bit of a ghost town, and a ton of history. We spent most of the day walking the hilly streets enjoying the day and sights. Buildings half decrepit make great pictures. Some of the more historic buildings have placards out front telling of their past, old hotels twice burned down, two story building facades were all that remained. A building for women of "ill repute" was a block off the main street, with "husbands alley" leading down to it. Some of them had been purchased and refurbished, like the old theater that once played silent movies. It reminded me of the theater in Claskanie that my mom dreams of reawakening and what that might look like. The hotel that burned down was a two story hole in the ground with an ornate fence in the front. The new owner was taking up collections for the rebuilding of it and had trash cans and buckets set on the basement floor so passers buy could test their aim and help rebuild history a penny at a time. As I was reading the history on it an old man and his wife were trying their hand at tossing change into the outhouse toilet, the man threw his coin, it bounced off the fence and right down his wife's shirt, the look on her face as he reached to retrieve it, right there on the street, was priceless. After a sufficient amount of walking we made our way back to the car and were heading out when a sign that read, Ghost Town --->, caught our eye. We headed up the road to the old mining shaft now turned gift shop and paid our two dollars to tour the grounds. (see pics below)
It takes moments like this to recharge and reconnect. Kendra and I are doing great, both very busy in our respective jobs. Kendra is showing the DMB (Verado) head hanchos she works for, how lucky they are to have her. They needed a way to attract people to the welcome center where she works after the model homes have been moved out of the down town area because phase two is starting soon. She purposed that they get a trolley and give tours of the area, homes and future resort location that ended at the welcome center, they ate it up and she has written the script for it and will be giving the tours starting next Saturday. She has also heard from a few mothers of small children around Verado that want their kids to be in dance classes but there just isn't anyone giving them. Hello! Kendra placed an add on the community web page and has received several responses already. Can you imagine, Kendra teaching dance to children? I am so proud of her for how she has stepped out in the last year, she is so smart and talented, and it's amazing to see how God is using her where she is at.
Scroll down to view some of the pics from the weekend. Love you all.
Jerome Junk

Kendra took this one. This was an old mining spot in the hills above Sedona and Cottonwood. It has been turned into a "ghost town." I loved this place for all the photo ops there were, it has been turned into more of a graveyard for cars and trucks than anything else, you can see the old mine shaft where they dug for gold and copper, there are shacks and lean-to's set up with authentic items from the time period. But I was more into the trucks, thanks to my father. There were all kinds there, and in all states of life and scrap. Studebakers that I have never seen before, and I have seen a lot based on my fathers interest in them, and my searches for all things Studebaker for him. We will have to devote a whole day, maybe two, next time my parents come, to letting my father wonder around his heavenly waste land. Pedro Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales was there greeting all the guests, near the saw mill that had been placed years after the miners had gone. This area is by far my favorite place I have explored here in AZ. I have yet to make it to the real ghost towns, the grand canyon, and camping in flagstaff, but this, this is number one.
Cool shopping area in Sedona
A little shop on the edge of Sedona
On a hike to Devils bridge
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Lakers V. Suns
If the league does not suspend Bell I will never freaking support the league in a monetary way ever again. This is not UFC, that was a "rear naked choke", which I am sure is frowned upon in the NBA. The Suns did great to win at home, but Bell needs to get his head out of his a$$ and play basketball not rugby. Kobe gets thrown out protecting his guys and Bell gets thrown out trying to hurt someone. Totally unacceptable, I have never been so pissed, granted it was Kobe and they were getting into it all game. But if that was anyone on the Lakers I would still be pissed. Forgive me if you didn't watch the game, but this is my forum, and I will speak my mind. My mind is killing me right now, good game suns, Bell.....
Monday, April 24, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Life Lesson
I was listening to the radio today and I heard this story, which has a great moral to it.
There was a man who worked as a janitor at a school for disabled children. He was walking the grounds and noticed a baby bird had been pushed out of it's nest by a crow. The bird wasn't going to make it so he took his shovel and took it's head off. The next day a little girl stopped him and asked, "why did you kill that bird yesterday, I saw you from the window." And the janitor replied, with out thinking I might add, "because the bird was handicapped."
I heard this on a radio program where they do a bit called, "who is going to hell?", the purpose is to come up with the worst story of somebody doing something so wrong that it qualifies them for hell.
The moral of the story? When you kill a bird, make sure no one can see you, no one.
There was a man who worked as a janitor at a school for disabled children. He was walking the grounds and noticed a baby bird had been pushed out of it's nest by a crow. The bird wasn't going to make it so he took his shovel and took it's head off. The next day a little girl stopped him and asked, "why did you kill that bird yesterday, I saw you from the window." And the janitor replied, with out thinking I might add, "because the bird was handicapped."
I heard this on a radio program where they do a bit called, "who is going to hell?", the purpose is to come up with the worst story of somebody doing something so wrong that it qualifies them for hell.
The moral of the story? When you kill a bird, make sure no one can see you, no one.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Gentlemen...Start your engines
Well this past weekend we had the pleasure of celebrating Kyles birthday. He had the wonderful idea of going to the local Gokart racetrack for some good ol fashioned horsepower & testosterone driven racing. The place that we went to is awesome. As you can see it has it all, and then some. The group consisted of Kyle, Aaron C., Aaron D, Josh, Tim, and myself. We got our racers license, watched a short but informative video on the ins and outs of race course flags and etiquette. And the we suited up in these sweet race suits, all of us looking like a bunch of top gun pilots. Aaron Daileys suit was particularly funny because of the fact, as Kyle put it, "it looks like you are smuggling grapes". Or to say it was a bit tight in the crotch section. You can get the race results online here and if you need the login it is and password is biggame. The racer names are as follows.
Sparky McNasty- Mark Rohl...Shifty McNeely-Kyle Campos...Shakey-Josh Dailey...Big A-Aaron Dailey...Smoke Ax-Tim Axline...Baxter-Aaron Campos. The other names on the list were just other racers that were there at the time. It was a blast, good on ya Kyle for the birthday. After the race we hit the video games and wasted the majority of our money trying to win Kyle a birthday present from one of the machines, but to no avail. Then back to Kyles for some grub, smack talk, and some poker, which I think Kyle came away with, or at least when I left, he, Mel and Heather were at the table and he was up with the option to cash out at any time. Again Kyle Happy Birthday (for those of you who haven't wished it yet you have till Wednesday the 12th which is his actual birthday) and thanks for the good fun. I leave you with this quote.
"Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel it". Thanks for being the pee in my pants Kyle.
Sparky McNasty- Mark Rohl...Shifty McNeely-Kyle Campos...Shakey-Josh Dailey...Big A-Aaron Dailey...Smoke Ax-Tim Axline...Baxter-Aaron Campos. The other names on the list were just other racers that were there at the time. It was a blast, good on ya Kyle for the birthday. After the race we hit the video games and wasted the majority of our money trying to win Kyle a birthday present from one of the machines, but to no avail. Then back to Kyles for some grub, smack talk, and some poker, which I think Kyle came away with, or at least when I left, he, Mel and Heather were at the table and he was up with the option to cash out at any time. Again Kyle Happy Birthday (for those of you who haven't wished it yet you have till Wednesday the 12th which is his actual birthday) and thanks for the good fun. I leave you with this quote.
"Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel it". Thanks for being the pee in my pants Kyle.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Verrado Home
It has come to my attention that I have been removed from my brothers list of links on his blog site. This comes at a huge surprise to me only because of the fact that I am his brother, not something like it. Familia me hermano, familia. But that's okay I have been rather delinquent in my postings and of that I am not proud. But alas a new day has come.
So here is what has been going on in the land of the rising bird and temp. Kendra and myself have purchased a new home that is being built in Verrado. A great opportunity for us to invest in a bigger house and also into an awesome community. This is a big stretch for us in the financial department but we feel that it is where God is leading us and we are going ahead full steam. The house will be about 2200 square feet (2x what we are in now) and twice the purchase price too. I only have a drawing of the house because it doesn't have a model built as of yet, but from the drawing it reminded us of homes that you would see in Santa Barbara. We like the look of the house, we have picket out our colors on the exterior, and we have chosen the kitchen cabinets, tile and countertops as well. It is exciting to purchase a home, but even more to design one from scratch, this has been quite a process and I am so happy that my wife and I have very similar taste when it comes to interior decorating. We heard some stories about husbands and wives fighting in the design center over things like carpet texture, or cabinet finish, and were reminded of how fortunate we were to be like minded for one, but also, some times I really could care less about tile size. Apart from the investment, and location (nearer the Campos and Cline clans) aspects, we also want to "enlarge our tent" ( 2 "Enlarge the site of your tent,and let your tent curtains be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your ropes, and drive your pegs deep. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left,and your descendants will disposes nations and inhabit the desolate cities.ISA 54:2-3)or in other words Kendra and I are trying to have a baby and we wanted to make room for the baby before He/She was even here. As my brother put it, we "pulled the goalie" and we are letting nature take it's course.
Work is going great, I just recently got a raise and a new phone (thank you Kendra) and we are swamped. Kendras job is going great, she is given opportunities to show how diverse she is and she is taking them every chance she gets. We just recently finished our first volleyball season here in the valley and the two Equity Electric teams finished second and third respectively. I am going to place that trophy in my trophy case (as soon as I get one) with honor. I don't remember all that well but I think that is my first trophy ever. I had a great team in: Aaron & Estrella Campos, Brian & Tracy Hart, and Kendra & myself. We had a good showing during the season but failed to pull together in the tournament and finished last. With lessons learned and some sweet and blood we will go into next season and take both overall and the tourney trophies and add them to our expanding case.
Thanks for checking in on our blog and I will make every effort to post more regularly, we love you all very much.
So here is what has been going on in the land of the rising bird and temp. Kendra and myself have purchased a new home that is being built in Verrado. A great opportunity for us to invest in a bigger house and also into an awesome community. This is a big stretch for us in the financial department but we feel that it is where God is leading us and we are going ahead full steam. The house will be about 2200 square feet (2x what we are in now) and twice the purchase price too. I only have a drawing of the house because it doesn't have a model built as of yet, but from the drawing it reminded us of homes that you would see in Santa Barbara. We like the look of the house, we have picket out our colors on the exterior, and we have chosen the kitchen cabinets, tile and countertops as well. It is exciting to purchase a home, but even more to design one from scratch, this has been quite a process and I am so happy that my wife and I have very similar taste when it comes to interior decorating. We heard some stories about husbands and wives fighting in the design center over things like carpet texture, or cabinet finish, and were reminded of how fortunate we were to be like minded for one, but also, some times I really could care less about tile size. Apart from the investment, and location (nearer the Campos and Cline clans) aspects, we also want to "enlarge our tent" ( 2 "Enlarge the site of your tent,and let your tent curtains be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your ropes, and drive your pegs deep. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left,and your descendants will disposes nations and inhabit the desolate cities.ISA 54:2-3)or in other words Kendra and I are trying to have a baby and we wanted to make room for the baby before He/She was even here. As my brother put it, we "pulled the goalie" and we are letting nature take it's course.
Work is going great, I just recently got a raise and a new phone (thank you Kendra) and we are swamped. Kendras job is going great, she is given opportunities to show how diverse she is and she is taking them every chance she gets. We just recently finished our first volleyball season here in the valley and the two Equity Electric teams finished second and third respectively. I am going to place that trophy in my trophy case (as soon as I get one) with honor. I don't remember all that well but I think that is my first trophy ever. I had a great team in: Aaron & Estrella Campos, Brian & Tracy Hart, and Kendra & myself. We had a good showing during the season but failed to pull together in the tournament and finished last. With lessons learned and some sweet and blood we will go into next season and take both overall and the tourney trophies and add them to our expanding case.
Thanks for checking in on our blog and I will make every effort to post more regularly, we love you all very much.
Monday, March 27, 2006
It has been a long time since anything has been posted to the Toostie Rohl blog and we apologize. I felt though that this story would bring a smile to many faces so, here goes. This is Kendra by the way.......
As the dutiful wife that I am I do the laundry in the house which to this point has been without incident. Tonight however, I hit my first snag. Mark and I were watching TV and we heard a banging noise coming from the dryer. I went to the dryer, opened it and tried to diagnose the problem. It was pretty full so I thought maybe that was it. I took half the load out and started things up again. No luck, still banging. I put my ear to all sides of the machine to try and pinpoint where this banging was coming from, after shaking it, turning some knobs and re-adjusting the cloths I still hadn't fixed the problem. As you all know, Mark is quite handy so I called him in to take care of it. I went back to watching TV confident that he could figure out what was wrong with our dryer. Well, much to my embarrassment nothing was wrong with the dryer, as Mark held up his steaming cell phone it was all to obvious what had been the cause of the noise. Oops..thought I had checked those pockets before putting them in the wash, guess not. I am praying that by some miracle the cell phone recovers after a nights rest but I doubt it. Not after it has gone through the wash, spin, rinse cycle and the dryer. Guess this means that Mark gets to buy that fancy new Blackberry he has been eyeing.
well, that's all I got for now. See y'all later
As the dutiful wife that I am I do the laundry in the house which to this point has been without incident. Tonight however, I hit my first snag. Mark and I were watching TV and we heard a banging noise coming from the dryer. I went to the dryer, opened it and tried to diagnose the problem. It was pretty full so I thought maybe that was it. I took half the load out and started things up again. No luck, still banging. I put my ear to all sides of the machine to try and pinpoint where this banging was coming from, after shaking it, turning some knobs and re-adjusting the cloths I still hadn't fixed the problem. As you all know, Mark is quite handy so I called him in to take care of it. I went back to watching TV confident that he could figure out what was wrong with our dryer. Well, much to my embarrassment nothing was wrong with the dryer, as Mark held up his steaming cell phone it was all to obvious what had been the cause of the noise. Oops..thought I had checked those pockets before putting them in the wash, guess not. I am praying that by some miracle the cell phone recovers after a nights rest but I doubt it. Not after it has gone through the wash, spin, rinse cycle and the dryer. Guess this means that Mark gets to buy that fancy new Blackberry he has been eyeing.
well, that's all I got for now. See y'all later
Friday, February 03, 2006
Man Trip I
So for Christmas the ladies of the group got all us males a cabin in the mountains at Sunrise ski resort in north east Arizona. We left early Friday morn (5am) and started our trip north. It didn't take long for everyone but Tim and Myself to fall to sleep. Well it turns out that after a while I fell asleep too. We all woke up in a little town called Showlow and stopped to have breakfast and noticed that the outside temp was a chilly 17. We got food at BK I think and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to get a chocolate milkshake. Not the best thing to wake up to. Anywho we kept on truckin up to the slopes, when we got there we noticed the lack of cars in the parking lot. Our first clue should have been the lack of snow in the parking area, we forged on. $104 later I was hitting the bunny slopes. Giving Josh Aaron and Aaron C. some of the fine points on snowboarding, ie. What ever you do don't catch an edge, front or back. Surprisingly after a few runs down the bunny hill Josh and Aaron C. wanted to brave the only other run that was open which, sadly enough was green all the way down. I was very impressed with how quickly J and AC picked it up, on the other hand they did have one of the best teachers on the hill that day. Aaron D. on the other hand was having a rough go at it. Falling down wasn't the hard part, it was getting back up that really put him out. He gave it a good college try (30 min) and the returned his gear, and went to the lodge to work on Sundays message. It wasn't long after him that the rest of the gang was finished as well. You see we are in the mist of a drought, 120+ days without H2O, so accordingly there isn't any snow, man or God made.
Next time on Man Trip......
That night at the lodge....The car rides were the best part........And the poker tourny at the Hondo Casino
Next time on Man Trip......
That night at the lodge....The car rides were the best part........And the poker tourny at the Hondo Casino
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
So sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Please stick with me, I have a lot to say coming up and some of it is going to be about how much I hate computers, mostly PC's and how my friends are trying to convince me to switch over to the Mac world. And I will also post a pic of my new TV, I know exciting stuff. So again, more to come soon.
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