Okay the first pic is my left arm, I had an I.V. at the hospital. A cocktail of antibiotics, steroids, and pepcid. Tour de France here I come. The right arm is the infected one, the redness is celulitis, the swelling had progressed passed my elbow, and the infection was making it's way down, and for that matter up my arm. I still don't know what bit me but it did a good job. I never got a fever or sharp pains. They sent me home with pills for infections, some more steroids, and some pepcid (benadryl). The swelling has gone down almost all the way, still some redness but the steroids and antis should take care of that.
So lets recap the injury's I have had. Surfing cut my leg, got bit on the knee by a spyder, got bit on the arm by?, blew out the tip of my finger playing softball, broken nose (2), carrot, if you can think of any others, feel free to let everyone know. Thank you all for your concern, I hope this makes you laugh, I know JR did. Love you all. Oh and by the way, after she put the needle in for the IV i lost all color in my face and my wife and the nurse were snickering at me. First guy with a mohawk to pass out from an IV!!! good times
What about the toe nails you have had removed!
true true, forgot about that one or two or three wasn't it.
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