Well, we went back to SB last weekend and it was

a great trip. It was all perfectly "Santa Barbara", the cool ocean breeze, warm days, beauty all around and lots of friends to see. We got in around 2am on Friday morning after a 7 hour drive from AZ. We were greeted by a very comfy air mattress, bottled water and a lovely note from our wonderful hosts, Keith & Kris. Friday we went and did all the things tourists do when they come to SB, the mission, the rose garden, the beach, State St. and Fiesta! I felt at home passing all the same stores and smelling all the familiar smells of Fiesta as we walked State St. to De La Guerra Square with the Softshare crew. The sounds of eggs cracking on heads, mariachi music in the street and

We sat on the grass with our Softshare buddies and listened to Len's last gig with the Flashbacks which was great. That brings me to another Santa Barbara standard, the incredibly "talented" drunk w

Ahh.......Santa Barbara - great friends, delicious food, beautiful town, good times :)
All that to say, it was great to come back and be a tourist in my home town but I'm so glad that I was just that and I could come back to my new home in Arizona which I love. I would never have dreamt that I could find another place that I love as much as Santa Barbara but I have and I am so grateful for it.
hey spark, sorry i missed you. we'll have to catch up in september.
Great post Kendra, you need to get in there more cause you write really well.
Wow, you found a place as cool as Santa Barbara? Where?
Love those pics. I've seen so many Santa Barbara postcards and some of those, you could have sold as such. Very nice.
Softshare, huh? I played soccer with some of those guys. What a company. I really liked everyone I met from there. They must have a policy where they only hire cool people.
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