Things have changed for us in the last few days in that Tobias seems to be learning new words and signs at a rapid pace and that is a very good thing. He can now pretty much tell us what he wants or doesn't want with a combination of signs and words and it makes things ooohhh so much easier. Instead of just pointing and grunting and getting frustrated we now have little mini convos and it's just fantastic. I can't believe how big he is getting though, long gone are the baby days and we officially have entered into toddler time and that is proving to be a lot of work but so much fun! It's really an incredible feeling to watch your child actually processing, learning and responding to things as you are teaching them and I know this is just the beginning so I'm really looking forward to the coming months. I need to post a couple new videos of him using his new found vocabulary and also his new dance moves, freaking hilarious I tell you!
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