okay, so clearly I'm not keeping up with my once a week post, best intentions but then life somehow seems to mess with all my well laid plans :)
Things are crazy good and crazy busy around here and Tobias is starting to crawl which is making life really interesting for me! It's now a fun game of what tiny particle of fluff or trash or stray button, hairtie, etc. can I find before he gets it into his mouth and he is really good at finding random stuff on the ground so I have to bring my "A" game every minute of the day.
We have been doing tons of photo shoots lately and really enjoying ourselves! You can check out the latest work in the Engagement & Wedding portion of the Indie Image collection on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdrohl/collections/72157607019946711/
It's been so much fun shooting some of our favorite people and they sure do know how to work it in front of a camera which makes our job so much easier.
I've added some new pics of the Tobster too, he just got a little haircut and he looks even more grown up! how can it be? He is going to be 9 months old next week, oh how time flies.
Toby and I are headed to Tombstone & Bisbee tomorrow for a little sight seeing adventure with my Dad & Joan so that should be fun and I will be taking lots of pics of the wild west and will post them someday, better not commit to a time frame at the rate I'm going :)
love you all!
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