I just have to say that our little boy is such a good sport about being dragged all around Phoenix for photo shoots and the like. This past weekend was packed from sun up to sun down and Tobias couldn't have been a more delightful little boy the whole time. He is truly a treat to be around and with each passing day he seems to get cuter and add some new dimension to his charming personality which just makes us fall more and more in love.
He is making great headway towards crawling which is exciting but means lots of work for me in baby-proofing our casa! Lots of new sounds every day and he is very intentional about them too, as if we should know exactly what he means. I think he is going to be an early talker if I had to make a guess.
Excited for cousin Caroline to get here tomorrow!!!!
I will write a post about our finalization of our adoption soon but feel like I need to give it a bit of time and attention so it may take me a few days :)
love you all!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing! What an amazing boy he is, we miss him so much and you too. Caroline is excited to be there too.
Love you
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