So the other night Kendra and I come home from eating out at My big fat Greek and on our way home we see an accident happen. One car making a left after the light had changed was met by a car running a red head on, then red light runner continues to drive away much to the consternation of the other driver. He sped off after her, which is exactly what i would have done, his was a new Jeep, he didn't even have the plates yet. Hers was a beat up little geo or something and from the brief look I got at her she looked to be a bit anebreated as well. But thats not the pic for this story.
As we pulled into our hood I saw flashing lights coming from our cul-de-sac, Is my house on fire, did Tyson get stuck in a tree again, or did our neighbor flip his Jeep trying to turn it too fast? I was right, he came into the sac at to high of a speed, as he made the turn his foot slipped off the clutch and whammo over he went. He was okay and as he and another neighbor were trying to flip it with their Toyota all the cops in Goodyear came blazing in to save the day. They tried hard to convince the guy he had been drinking, but he told them again and again it was a simple mistake of underestimating the center of gravity to speed ratio that caused the topsy turvy. Anywho all was well, no one was hurt and the entire neighborhood got to hang out in my driveway. Good thing I just vacuumed it.
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