Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy Birthday to you!!!

James Rohl, brother of mine happy freaking birthday. I had a strange thought the other day about my brother. I thought, "can it be possible that I have grown closer to my brother after he moved , then when I spent the past 27 years with him?" Yes, I have,. Strange but true. I have never been so proud of my brother then now. Living in a strange land, away from all that is familiar. A wife, new family, no friends to new friends. A job at a bar and grill, to an investment firm. To investing in his and his families future by going back to college. A baby on the way, to a eerie sense of, "was it all real in the first place?" To shopping the local housing market to fill with children in the future. I know that whatever life, God, and the weather, (not that they all aren't already connected), throw at my brother, he will press on. Grow and learn, and be better for it. But what is familiar is Kate, strong and sweet. Smart and goofy. Independent but trusting in the Lord and her husband. Happy birthday Goober. I am excited for you and your wife. And I hope you will be working on your golf game cause bro, you need the help!

1 comment:

Portland Dad said...

Thank you so much Gimbo! That is so awesome to hear from you. I am so proud of you as well, I love you.