And come to find out Phoenix has one too. A mysterious triangle that causes all manner of auto, plane, truck, to crash inexplicably. For example on my way home today (and yesterday, or any other day for that matter) I saw, with my own two eyes, Five auto crashes. One of which involved a big rig. But for another strange reason, no one was hurt. How in five crashes did no one get hurt? Well after very little thought I figured it out. No one was hurt because the average speed of the crash was 2.36 MPH. Because during rush hour people forget that the break lights in front of them mean that the person is A. Slowing down B. Stopping or C. Stopped. Much to difficult to figure out, their bodies spasm and right peddle becomes left peddle and whamo. But the number of cars also puzzled me. (For a nano sec). Each one in their own turn is accelerating (spazzing) faster than the one in front, causing a reverse pile up. One of the best road signs I have ever seen is one on the 51 north (yes Kate and all of Indy I just said "the" 51) it reads "Minor traffic accidents move to the side of the road if possible". Uhh okay, so does that mean if I get a flat tire I shouldn't change it in the fast lane? Oh wait that's another thing, there is no fast lane slow lane here. Which I might add includes the big rig drivers as well. As soon as the rigs cross over Dysart Ave, they fan out and race smokey and the bandit style. And not to be out done, because we live next to an Airforce base we have the bi-yearly
"Military jet carrying 4 bombs..." which, as stated, is not the first time. The new metro system is breaking ground soon, lets all hope and pray they ship the drivers in from ________ (insert good driver state here) as to insure the masses make it to work safely. JR had a post about traveling buddies, mine are any with an out of state plate on their vehicle. Here is to safe passage through the triangle.